
Welcome to Qingdao Antai
adressNo.867 Century Avenue, Huangdao District, Qingdao, China


        Qingdao Antai Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful seaside city of Qingdao, Huangdao District Industrial Park, it is a research, design, manufacture, installation and commissioning advisory services as one integrated manufacturing machinery and equipment companies. The company has brought together a wealth of experience in the technical and professional workers, the main products: shot blasting machine, shot blasting machine parts, steel cleaning equipment, environmental protection equipment, EPC equipment, molding equipment, sand processing equipment , we design and production various non-standard machinery according to user needs, providing integrated technology solutions for specific customers.

        "Quality create brand, Brand promote development, Development without limit" is our business purposes, to establish a sound quality management system and network information feedback system, a separate filing for each client to achieve pre-contact order, sale produced delivery, sale and installation of all sectors and efficient docking, the maximum for customers with caring and thoughtful, efficient and flexible full service. With high-quality products, attentive service, our products have been sold in more than 30 country, and a large number of domestic manufacturers to establish mutual trust and good relations of cooperation and win-win.

        The company has consistently abide by the "customer first, caring and thoughtful, flexible and efficient" service concept, if you or your business with my company's business dealings in our service have any comments or suggestions, please leave a message or contact management, we will immediately feedback and make improvements.

The company has always been adhering to the "credit-oriented, market-oriented, mutual benefit and common development," the marketing concept, we look forward to cooperate with you and your company!


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